Sunday, July 11, 2004

No Sympathy

Absolutely none!

Today we read that an absurd organisation calling itself Fathers4Justice - the same group who put our access to the democratic process in jeopardy some weeks ago by throwing a 'powder bomb' at the Prime Minister in the House of Commons - have disrupted divine worship at General Synod in York Minister, protesting that the Church of England has 'done nothing' to complain about the injustice they have suffered, by losing access to their children.

This is absolute bloody crap. Children are not possessions that you have a right to have, or to enjoy. Bringing children into the world is a serious responsibility. And it's a shared one. So if you don't want to lose the children you've made, don't lose the partner you've made them with. If you don't mean to walk out on your children, don't walk out on their mother.

It's yet another example of the irresponsibility of contemporary culture: the preferring of rights over responsibility, blame over accountability, falsehood over the keeping of promises.

No sympathy - absolutely none.

posted by Tony at 7/11/2004 01:06:00 pm


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