Thursday, July 08, 2004

Many and Various, continued ...

... And then goes to a supper party at the Bishop's, with most of the other clergy of the Deanery (and some others from the other side of the city), and spends a delightful evening in excellent company, with excellent food and drink.

When we first started going to these events, after we first moved here, they were often daunting: all these gifted, clever, amusing and holy people, among whom we felt shy and inadequate. Over the years that we've got to know and like them all, those feelings have been replaced with great respect, and gratitude to be part of such a talented group.

It's time, or age, or something, that works this magic of growing confidence. The Church of England is well served by its clergy, I reckon.

posted by Tony at 7/08/2004 08:08:00 am


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