Saturday, July 03, 2004

If only

Could be my last word on that institution? Shucks, no, probably not.

From the Bishop of St Albans' sermon at Jeffrey John's institution, reported in Paul Handley's article

The letters have poured in to me from all sides, from those rejoicing and from those who are hurting; and both sides — let me say as strongly and forcefully as I can — believe that they are acting out of the highest Christian motives and for the most serious of Christian reasons, which must mean, surely, therefore, as Christians, that we are in this not separately but together.

It seems impossible to envisage a Church where people might have this much respect for each other, and particularly for those of differing views. Sometimes it doesn't feel as if we really follow a Teacher who said things like, "Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you." Ah, maybe that's where I've got it wrong. It doesn't say we have to pray for those whom we are persecuting. We never have done, so why should we start now?

posted by Tony at 7/03/2004 03:43:00 pm


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