Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Looking for a new computer

Suddenly, unexpectedly, it seems feasible to get a new laptop. There are a number of attractive offers at present, and the old one is pretty decrepit. The trouble is, how can I even contemplate getting a machine that runs Micro$oft XP? And I've never seen a laptop with Linux installed, except at one of the Linux expos, where the real Linux boys hang out. I can cope with getting Linux up and running on my desktop here, but I think a laptop would be beyond me.

So that leaves Apple, and a Mac OS machine. And there the issue is one of cost. So maybe it's not that feasible after all. In the mean time, Alison encourages me to play with her old ibook, which is only running Mac OS 9. I managed, after several false starts, to connect to the Internet; but then it turns out only to have Netscape 4, which doesn't cope with Blogger it seems.

Fun and games.

posted by Tony at 7/06/2004 02:38:00 pm


Blogger Tony said...

Green with envy

10:06 pm  

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