Tuesday, July 06, 2004

And where are the nestlings?

It all seems very quiet at home. Tui is still island-hopping in the Aegean: the last phone call yesterday was from Santorini. "Paint me a cavernous waste shore | Cast in the unstilled Cyclades" - how I wish I could see them!

Meanwhile Sun has flown to the US to stay with her friend Erin, near Boston. She e-mails:

Having a whale of a time. The fourth of July was perhaps the strangest thing I've ever experienced. Funny little americans. Hope you're all well x

I don't know what we've done to deserve a daughter who seems to think the proper prayer for July 4th is a prayer for the return of the Colonies (I'm sure there must have been one, in the 1776 Book of Common Prayer - for myself, I'm one of those who thinks they had the Revolution we should have had.) But then, look at them now...

One of these days, I hope to see both the Greek Islands and Boston (home of Ally McBeal).

posted by Tony at 7/06/2004 09:02:00 pm


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