Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Many and Various

... are the answers to the question 'What does a parish priest do?' This week's additions to those I wrote down a few weeks back include:

Visits a parishioner in hospital, who was not expected to live through the night this time last week, and finds him sitting up and much better. Learns new computer skills, including how to prepare and give a presentation without using PowerPoint. (Here's a clue: you use - it's open source, and it's free!) Has coffee with another parishioner and talks about that person's funeral instructions, to be handed to the solicitor who will be dealing with the estate, whenever the time comes. Gets the plumber in to look at the dripping waste pipe of the bathroom basin; isn't too surprised when the whole basin is condemned; tries (unsuccessfully, it would seem) to persuade Church House that what's really needed is a new bathroom suite. Encourages wife who is going off for an important job interview. (And feels very thankful he's not having to do the same.)

posted by Tony at 7/07/2004 02:56:00 pm


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