Saturday, July 10, 2004

God's Own Sense of Humour

You can't help laughing. Today there was a Deanery Day on Practical Parish Evangelism, and I was asked to lead a workshop called Alpha, Emmaus, or What? An overview of some of the process evangelism courses that are available, and some of what's involved in running them. But I was also so excited about our Faith Sharing visit to Eastbourne, that I offered another workshop by me and members of the team on that.

End result? Out of 6 workshops, I was responsible for 2 of them. Giving the impression that we at Marston are well into, and good at, evangelism, when really I know I'm not that at all - I see myself much more as a parish priest and pastor. But both the workshops were so well attended, more than fully subscribed in fact, and both went so well, that what am I to think? Surely it's about telling God's Story; and when we tell that Story with energy and excitement, and enthusiasm and commitment (and what other way is there to tell it?) it is Good News.

For the Alpha and Emmaus workshop I used my Not-PowerPoint presentation, with the whizzy new data projector the church bought. It worked great! What let it down a bit was the slowness of the laptop, which was my grotty old one. Perhaps I will have to buy a new one after all...

posted by Tony at 7/10/2004 05:50:00 pm


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