Friday, July 09, 2004

Taking up the cudgel again

Or at least, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

I find, when I come to prepare my sermon for Sunday evening, that the set lessons for Evensong include Mark 7.1-23; Jesus arguing with the Pharisees and scribes about scripture and the word of God. It is such a contemporary issue, in the light of all the controversy about the Church's attitude to homosexuality, that I have to preach on this again. On why the traditionalists are wrong, and why the Church needs to change its attitude. How can we know that we are using scripture rightly, to understand the word and will of God? The answer, I believe, is that we never can know, with 100% certainty. All we can do is go on trying, wrestling with scripture and with life and what they teach us, and doing our best to discern God's truth. And being ready to change our minds if we come to see we were wrong - whatever our friends, or former friends, may say.

For those who are interested, the sermon will be viewable on my website.

posted by Tony at 7/09/2004 01:17:00 pm


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