Saturday, July 10, 2004

Greek Football Madness

It was a fairy story really. Before this, their national team had never even scored a goal in the European Championship; and this year they went on through all the first round matches and into the knock-out rounds, cutting a swathe through all the other teams and reaching the final, and then beating Portugal 1-0 to become European Champions. And it was a fairy story too, for our Tui to be there in Greece while all this was happening.

She is full of stories of watching the matches in public places, with crowds of local people shouting Hellas! Hellas! And every time they scored, Goal! Goal! (surely that can't be the Greek word for it? - and the Greeks must have a word for it) and the young men jumping on their mopeds and roaring round the town square sounding their horns.

Mopeds are everywhere, of course. Tui burned the back of her calf on the exhaust pipe of one of them, as she was crossing the road. Quite a nasty burn that looks like it may leave a scar.

posted by Tony at 7/10/2004 05:27:00 pm


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