Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Preaching Matthew

A rare and special privilege today: a CME (Continuing Ministerial Education) Day arranged by the diocese. Sometimes you get the 'menu' of these and your heart sinks because you know you should show willing and attend at least some of them, and it looks rather bad if you don't, and you don't want to be one of those 'bad boys' that there are in every diocese who never ever go to in-service training... but the topics don't always look that appetising. That wasn't the case with today's session: David Wenham's overview of Matthew, which is the principal Gospel for Lectionary Year A, beginning on Advent Sunday.

David's enthusiasm for the subject, knowledge, humour and lightness of touch made it a joy to take part in; and I think all of us who were there are looking forward to preaching Matthew next year.

posted by Tony at 10/12/2004 07:21:00 pm


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