Friday, October 08, 2004

Saying Sorry

Don't they teach our leaders anything at Leader School? "Don't get into a war you can't see your way out of. Remember Vietnam!" I would have thought was the first or most obvious thing they might have included on day one.

Like many others, I really feel betrayed by the Labour Government over this one. Right now I'm even thinking of voting LibDem next year, which is a hard thing to do as a Party member, and in all honesty I may have to give up my Party membership first. Except I resent this too: why should Tony Blair alienate me from my true roots like this?

That was why I signed up to the Just Say Sorry campaign.

The unforeseen consequence is that I have started getting e-mails from them, and every time one of these arrives with the subject line: 'Just Say Sorry, Tony', paranoia kicks in and the first thought is, My God! What have I done now?

Incurables, some of us.

posted by Tony at 10/08/2004 10:32:00 am


Blogger Kathryn said...

LOL :-) :-)
Rather like C S Lewis's line that if you stopped almost anyone in the street and whispered "Fly, all is discovered" they'd be heading for the hills at top speed...

11:02 am  

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