Archangel Michael?

Well, yes. It might sound grandiose to claim an archangel guardian for one's garden shed - especially such an unsightly one. But it came about like this.
During the course of its occupation of that little corner of the vicarage garden, it was put to use as a kind of chapel, or prayer station. No, really. It wasn't my idea; it was during the church barbecue that concluded the children's holiday club. The barbecue was to conclude with an informal outdoor service, but also to provide an opportunity for prayer, reflection, spiritual exploration, in the form of some activities devised by Gill (she of the aubergine). To give at least a semblance of quiet and retreat in the midst of a throng of burger-eaters and cola-quaffers, we carpeted the shed and put a couple of cushions to sit on. The theme of the activity was Angels, with various images printed out and displayed; and it wasn't till over a week later that I discovered Michael had been left behind. Patron of the Shed. I think it worked. I haven't once seen the devil anywhere near the place.
Ah well, now I got really excited about your having a holy shed, as it was something we more than toyed with when we moved here, as there didn't seem to be anywhere sensible for me to adopt as a prayer space. I know I have a whole church, but all the same....However, in the event the mountains of essential junk we brought with us from our past lives demanded housing in the one and only shed provided, so here I sit in the study and wonder why I still can't make it mine. Maybe all I need is my very own Archangel?
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