Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Rosary of Don Quixote

A couple of weeks ago maggi dawn posted about the idea of re-posting 'classic' entries from people's blogs - or if not classic, exactly, then some of the most read postings.

When I look up my log page, the thing that gets the most hits, most weeks, is my little booklet Reconsidering the Rosary. This has to be one of the more exotic pieces of writing that has ever been remaindered. Not because it's about the Rosary, but because its aim was to try to persuade Evangelical Anglicans that the Rosary was an interesting, useful, helpful (and permissible) form of devotion. I think it's probably been viewed more times since I published it on my website, than it was ever read in its earlier existence as a Grove Book.

No one should ever think I don't have visions and dream dreams about theological possibilities, after this, I reckon.

(The hard copy version of Reconsidering the Rosary doesn't look anything like as attractive as the PDF version, because Grove were much stingier about margins and the like when it was published back in 1991. But it is still available from the author, if you insist.)

posted by Tony at 10/06/2004 06:52:00 pm


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