Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Seen in Oxford

From the 'I wish I'd had a camera' Department

A couple (not young) walking hand in hand along the High, she talking into her mobile phone at her left ear, he talking into his at his right. A whole story waits to be told, about who they are talking to. Their employer, explaining why they are not in the office? Their spouse, with news of an unavoidable delay? A friend? ('I've just met this gorgeous guy / woman.') Or maybe - and this would be my favourite version - they are talking to each other. Because we are becoming so addicted to our mobiles, that we can no longer talk face to face to the person we're with, but only electronically. (Those radio waves give you such a buzz, they enhance any conversation!)

posted by Tony at 10/05/2004 02:18:00 pm


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