Sunday, October 10, 2004

Never Surrender!

... as the man says in one of my favourite movies.

It's been really encouraging and affirming to read some of the comments from people who not only read this blog but actually value it. It does matter to me; though I have to say, too, that I was never really going to stop blogging, no matter what the internal sender of critical dre-mails might say. You see, it helps me, and that's justification enough. It's a creative outlet which feeds the spirit, and because of that, nourishes everything else I do.

Apart from that, yes, I'm hooked.

- Hello, I'm Tony, and I'm a blogoholic. I know I am, because quite often when I go into the sanctuary to pray silently before the start of the service, I find myself being distracted by thoughts, not of my next fix, but of my next blog.

I expect some of you know the feeling; for of all the things I am learning from all this, one of the most heart-warming is: I am not alone.

posted by Tony at 10/10/2004 03:55:00 pm


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