Monday, September 27, 2004

Turning up in strange places

From time to time I get curious about how visitors arrive at my website, and actually look at the lists on my hosting log. There I discover that I have just been added to the directory of The wedding portal. Under the heading:

Home : Resources (Additional) : more world resources : Anything Goes : Blogs :

I'm not sure that I relish the idea of users of the Wedding Portal coming to my site thinking that 'anything goes' as far as arranging their wedding here is concerned. This might lead to some challenging conversations. On the other hand, if people are looking for a highly-skilled and highly-paid (I wish) performer, specifically a storyteller, to entertain at their wedding - well, I'm the man. No offer will be considered too obscenely large; while at the same time I can promise to undercut Mrs Thatcher, Bill Clinton and the like.

posted by Tony at 9/27/2004 03:29:00 pm


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