Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Sermon 'They' Didn't Want You to Hear

I'm not often paranoid in the 'Whoopee! I'm being persecuted by the principalities and powers!' sense; but that was certainly how I was beginning to feel about this morning's sermon on The Dishonest Steward.

In the first place, I'd had hardly any time to prepare and write it, because of having the decorators in during the week, and having to prepare for the big gig on Friday night. Apart from that, it was proving singularly resistant to being written. Then when I got back yesterday from Up North, I was just too weary to write sermon (so I wrote blog instead - a true indicator of the difference?)

Slept badly because after the initial knockout such that I'd sleep through an earthquake, I came near the surface with the knowledge that I had to preach this morning and didn't have a complete sermon. Came back from the 8 o'clock, sat down, had a brain wave, finished the sermon, told the computer to print it off, went to put two slices of bread in the toaster, came back and found the printer was happily printing away, but without passing any paper through to print on. Aargh!

Quick! save it to a floppy and transfer it to one of the other computers in the house. Then remembered that all the other computers have been more or less disabled by being moved for the decorators. Managed to plug in Alison's and switch it on, only to find it wasn't reading my floppy (b**@*y Micro$oft machines!) Transferred it by data stick instead. Finally got it printed. By now I was determined I was going to preach that sermon come hell or high water. I hadn't actually thought it was all that threatening to anybody (or bodies), but I was beginning to wonder.

In retrospect I think it was more in prophetic mode than I usually preach: though I include myself in those who need to hear the word of the Lord here. Anyway, here's the sermon.

posted by Tony at 9/19/2004 03:53:00 pm


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