Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Threats to Liberty

John Naughton (one of the best reads on the Web) is right about the absurdity of the hysterical reaction to the Fathers4Justice 'Batman' protest at Buck House. But all this clownery won't look so funny when our essential freedoms are lost, not because of genuine terrorist threats from al-Qaeda or wherever, but because of the selfish posturings of these self-styled victims of injustice. Get a grip, guys! If you don't want to lose your children, don't walk out on (or don't get yourself thrown out by) their mother.

posted by Tony at 9/14/2004 04:11:00 pm


Blogger David L Rattigan said...

According to my Telegraph today, Batman's current partner has just dumped him because he spends so much time protesting that he doesn't have time to spend with the daughter they share. How ironic.

Shame, because I really do have a lot of sympathy with what these guys have been doing.

7:23 pm  

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