Saturday, September 11, 2004

The Wit of a Wife

I love it that we both love words and wordplay, and every so often come up with what I think are some clever inventions and fantasies. (Not that I'm any way biased ...)

Today Alison was going to the Oxford Brookes University graduation ceremony, and because she has a D.Phil from the other Oxford University, she was going to be wearing the full scarlet doctoral robes, so she set out in sub fusc.

I told her she looked like something out of The Matrix (which incidentally might make degree ceremonies a touch less boring). When she came home, it was with the rejoinder, 'Actually, I thought it was probably more like The Matric Reloaded.'

Well, I suppose you have to be an Oxford person and like all this daft dressing-up, to appreciate it. I do it in church, she gets to do it at degree ceremonies.

posted by Tony at 9/11/2004 03:28:00 pm


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