Thursday, September 09, 2004

Mac Learning Curve

Time I spent a bit more time learning how to use this beautiful box (the iBook, I mean), instead of just blogging. There is so much to learn, and I should be keeping the recommended journal of what it all is, so that I don't have to do it again if I forget; or don't make the same mistakes again.

I want to explore all the Unix background that underlies Mac OS X, which I'm partly familiar with from Linux. I've downloaded and installed Fink, which is a Debian-like installer for loading various bits of open source software. I've also got Lynx, for text-only Web-browsing. When your Internet connection is as pathetically slow as mine is, anything that goes a bit quicker is welcome.

I've downloaded (and had to pay for - ouch! - which is a bit unfamiliar to us Linux users) Fetch, an FTP client for Mac, so I can start maintaining my web pages from the iBook if necessary. Plus there's all the Mac OS X stuff that's there already, like how it deals with tunes, photos, email, which I've begun to discover, but not got into the finer points of. And finding out how to do presentations, that aren't PowerPoint. And many, many more.

posted by Tony at 9/09/2004 06:58:00 pm


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