Saturday, September 18, 2004

Now Tui's Gone

Hurried back from the conference to drive Tui, our youngest, to university Up North. She's been away from home before, and during this gap year she hasn't been both in and awake at any sensible hours, on account of working at the local cinema for ridiculous hours and barely minimum wages. But no doubt she'll leave a huge hole in the life of the family, and I'm quite prepared to feel as bereft as I was whenever any of the others first went away.

She's much more grown-up, more confident, sociable and attractive than I was when I went to uni. But today she seemed to revert to the little girl who was afraid of feeling homesick. Some of it was because of going a day earlier than most of the other freshers: delivering offspring on a Sunday is kind of difficult for the parish clergy. As we left her and drove away she was asking, 'What am I going to do now?'

Live, Tui. Have a great time, make lots of friends who will love you, start to find your way in life. But mostly, know that whatever happens, you are Loved.

posted by Tony at 9/18/2004 07:30:00 pm


Blogger Kathryn said...

My oldest is currently doing the rounds of uni Open Days...has just dismissed Exeter, the only possibility within reasonable distance, as bland, dull and demanding...not a winning combination, clearly...
But I tremble, already, when I think of the house without her next year, and you have my sympathies and prayers as you settle into the new regime, all of you

9:01 pm  

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