Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Slightly Foxed

I love Slightly Foxed - subtitled The real reader's quarterly - which was launched with the Spring 2004 edition.

It describes itself as,
a journal for non-conformists, for people who don’t want to read only what the big publishers are hyping and the newspapers are reviewing. There are thousands of good books in print that are never mentioned in the literary pages, but most people have no way of knowing what they are or which ones may appeal to them.

Slightly Foxed fills this gap, introducing, or reintroducing, its readers to all those wonderful books that languish on publishers’ backlists but have too often disappeared from bookshops, and to interesting new books published by small presses that rarely get reviewed or stocked by the chains.

Now that's my kind of literary magazine, bound to appeal to the man who prefers Linux or Mac OS to Microsoft, or just about anything at all to Alpha. The only trouble is, it could work out expensive wanting to get hold of all the wonderful books its contributors mention.

posted by Tony at 9/22/2004 06:03:00 pm


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