Tuesday, September 21, 2004

An Expensive Battle Against the Principalities

The upshot of trying to prepare and print that prophetic sermon, was that the printer - which I have probably only had for 8 years - has definitely turned up its toes and expired like the proverbial parrot. Just as I had bought a whole set of replacement ink cartridges, goes without saying.

In a fit of need - who can live without a printer in this day and age? - and heedlessness about our penury, I went to PC World (wash my mouth out!) and bought an all-in-one printer, scanner and copier, which set me back £129. Except, with the cable and spare ink cartridges and other stuff you then discover it needs to function, it came to nearer £180.

With sacrifice and folly like that, I'm jolly well going to enjoy playing with it and learning its capabilities. Like scanning in all those favourite photos and putting them on the Web; and printing lots of unnecessary stuff. You've got to have some fun, before the credit card bill arrives and you realise you probably won't eat again till Christmas.

In the midst of the euphoria over a new toy, it turns out I can't get it to work with my Linux desktop. It's too new a model, and I haven't yet found a suitable driver. I probably need to 'rebuild the kernel'; but since this sounds like something only God can do, I'm putting it on hold for a while. Thank goodness for the iBook, which will work with it.

posted by Tony at 9/21/2004 09:23:00 pm


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