Saturday, September 25, 2004

Getting Sorted

The main story right now is still the one about getting things back to 'normal' - or the nearest that things ever get to it, in this household - after the decorators. I've got a rough estimate in my head that this will take six weeks, mainly because we want to take advantage of all the upheaval, to get rid of old unwanted stuff and buy some new, before we put things back.

And of course, clean up a bit. The first expense involved in this, followed the discovery that the vacuum cleaner had died, even though it was only ten years old (a Dyson prototype, I think). So we had to go out and buy a new one. Looks like we may not eat till after Christmas, now.

I'm also trying to organise things in the study, chiefly so that I can find the carpet and the desktop again, which I haven't seen for several years. This will take longer than six weeks.

posted by Tony at 9/25/2004 09:17:00 pm


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