Sunday, July 25, 2004

These People

A young scientist is inspired with the vision of making the world a better place, by finding a cure for one of the diseases or conditions which still wreaks untold suffering on the human race. S/he spends years studying, gains a doctorate, fights through the jungle of academic life and underfunding of research, to be able to undertake that life saving work. Research of this kind involves some experimentation using animals. Existing legislation, and the researcher's own ethical values, mean that no cruelty is involved. In fact the animals bred and used for research purposes are usually loved and cared for well beyond what they would experience in a natural state.

Yet the scientist becomes a target of opposition and even death threats from people who might benefit from the work. Far from being appreciated and honoured, s/he becomes a hate object, from people many of whom are not giving anything to the community that nourishes and sustains them.

I wonder why anyone would bother to do this? Today the Observer reports how one of the leaders of the animal rights (sic) movement is actually calling for the assassination of research scientists, to 'concentrate the minds' of others. It's intellectual Ludditism of the most egregious kind. I wonder if, when these people's loved ones are dying in pain with incurable disease, they will be pleased with themselves that their stupid protests may have prevented the discovery of a cure?

posted by Tony at 7/25/2004 03:44:00 pm


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