Thursday, July 22, 2004


It's a funny thing, that I've been asked a couple of times in the last year or two about telling stories at different events, and have found various reasons not to (bottled out, in other words). What kind of a storyteller is that?

So this time that I'm invited to tell at Wallingford Bunkfest, I try and give a quick Yes answer before I can think better (worse?) of it. Then Dave asks me for 50-100 words about my storytelling, for the programme. What on earth to say? Well, here's my first draft:

Tony Price
With a name like that, and most of his kin living west of Severn, you would think Tony should have some Welsh blood; yet he's lived all his life in England, the last nearly 20 years of it in Wessex. He loves stories that make you laugh, or feel you are touching (or touched by) the Mystery of Things. Some of them come from his childhood in the magical kingdom of North London. Others are definitely from Somewhere Else.

posted by Tony at 7/22/2004 07:58:00 pm


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