Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Brand New Beam

So eight men arrived this morning (with dog) and got the old lintel out and the new one put in place.

Sadly both these processes happened while I was away or not watching, and even if I had been there, I don't think I would have had the nerve (as someone who is well known to work only one day a week) to stand around watching or taking pictures of men at real work. So how the new beam/lintel got in place, without modern lifting gear, cranes or winches, will remain a mystery; our own domestic Stonehenge.
When I got back I said to one of the two remaining men (the other six had gone about their other lawful business), "I don't know how you got it up there." "It was heavy," he said. The restraint of the British workman, and his modesty about employing expletives in front of members of the clergy (who, as is well known, have never heard let alone used such expressions) is legendary.

posted by Tony at 7/21/2004 06:13:00 pm


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