Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Subversive Story

Katrice Horsley bounds onto the stage in her storytelling costume: black t-shirt and black leather trousers, under an ankle-length coat of vivid green. She describes it as Riverdance meets The Matrix. "Where else do you get Michael Flatley and Keanu Reeves in one 4 foot 11 package?" She's electric.

She tells a story of a young girl who lives in The House, where she works. "She cleaned and she polished and she polished and she cleaned." The Mistress of The House never lets her out to wander in the meadows or beside the river or in the forest. Why not? Because she may meet with the Green Lady, the River God, or the Dancing Boy, and this would be temptation for her. But in time the Mistress dies and Kate gets out and walks in the meadows, by the river, in the forest. She meets the Green Lady, the River God and the Dancing Boy, and they ask of her a flower, a song, and a dance. She is swift and willing to give them, and each of them blesses her: "A hundred flowers (songs, dances) for each one you have given."

And she is blessed. She finds a husband, has many children, and urges them, "Walk in the green meadow! Walk beside the river! Dance among the trees of the forest!" And may you be blessed, as she was blessed.

It disturbs me to the root of my being. I find myself asking myself: Am I a Master of The House? Does the Church I serve deny life, prevent people from finding the Blessing that God wants to give them, by binding them with rules and prohibitions?

posted by Tony at 7/20/2004 08:50:00 am


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