Thursday, July 15, 2004

Shaping up for mission

I've been so surprised at being cast in the unexpected role of evangelist, that I thought I'd better get down to reading mission-shaped church. Sub-title: church planting and fresh expressions of church in a changing context. (holy typewriters, batman! even the church of england's mission and public affairs council has had its shift keys stolen!)

It's obviously going to repay careful study. It starts by setting out some of the social trends of the past few decades, that have led to the fragmented nature of today's society and culture. But just as you're going along with the analysis it springs this one on you and you don't know if it's taking the mickey or being serious:

Although Western culture will continue to evolve (particularly through technological change) it has taken a shape that it is likely to hold for the foreseeable future.

As long as that, eh? I don't know about you, guys, but I can't foresee much more than the next second or so. But I don't suppose they really mean the shape of Western culture is likely to change in the next few seconds. Some things, it seems, don't change quite that quickly after all. Like our fascination for all things futurological (Old Moore's Almanac, novels about the Book of Revelation, etc.)

posted by Tony at 7/15/2004 05:53:00 pm


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