Monday, July 19, 2004

Toothbrushes Reunited

Alison is home from Norway; I'm home from the Edge; for a short time our toothbrushes are side by side in the rack again. Aaah. A picture of domestic bliss and unity.

Cultural/historical note: The ergonomic and aesthetic evolution of the toothbrush in recent years has rendered obsolete the design of toothbrush racks that was current 30 years ago. Has anyone given proper thought or study to this development? Is it because toothbrush manufacturers also produce holders for them, and build in obsolescence in this way to increase sales? (After all, how many times would you buy a new toothbrush rack, if the old one was still working?)

posted by Tony at 7/19/2004 10:03:00 pm


Blogger Tony said...

You have old mugs!?!
We still have to use ours till they fall to pieces.

10:04 pm  

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