Saturday, July 24, 2004

Fixing it

The man with the dog returned yesterday, and by the end of the day had made some progress in filling in the hole, working upwards from the bricks that rest on the front of the new concrete lintel. He also took away the ladder at the end of the day, so that the children (!) couldn't get up and have a closer look, which my Inner Child, at least, always looked forward to. The girders that stick through the wall into Tui's bedroom remain, like the terrifying bits of metal that stick out of people's heads when their jaws are being reconstructed. And the Really Big Hole underneath, where the windows were taken out, remains, no longer closed with polythene, so that all we need is torrential driving rain from a northerly direction, to flood the dining room. This is not forecast, fortunately.

posted by Tony at 7/24/2004 10:03:00 am


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