Friday, July 23, 2004

Praise Him upon the well-tuned symbols

Last week's Church Times had the sad outcome of the story of the rector who moved a font without a faculty. The bit that interested me was the architect's statement:
The architect, David Slade, supported the Rector by saying that the previous position of the font had made it dangerous for various activities. He said that the canonical requirement that fonts be located near the principal door into the church “had not been observed for many years”.

No, of course: "Don't panic, dear, it's only a symbol!" It really doesn't matter where the font is; having it near the church door is only a symbol that baptism is the way in to the Church, the point of being baptised into the death of Christ, and rising with him to new life. And when the church of england® has removed all the symbols, and left us with only words and definitions and statements of faith and heresy trials - who or what will then lead us into all truth?

posted by Tony at 7/23/2004 04:51:00 pm


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