Saturday, October 23, 2004

Sporting the Beads

Kathryn muses about the way the Church comes across to people so often as saying No; and though I agree with Justin's comment too, it's true that we are pretty good at it. Right now it's the (Roman) Catholic Church who present the best example with all the fuss and geflapple about David Beckham's rosary beads, and the way they object to the young wearing them just as a hotly desired fashion accessory. I thought it was Madonna who started it. No, I mean the pop singer. At any rate, this is not the first time young people who know nothing about their significance or use for prayer, have bought rosaries because they are beautiful objects, and valued them as such. And sourpuss old Mother Church (let the reader understand, and take note, that this generally means her male spokesvoices) is bleating and complaining about it!

As a mere one-time (or some-time) Evangelical devotee of Our Lady and her blessed Rosary, I say, let the children come to me, and do not try to stop them! So what if they don't know what the beads are 'really' for? If they love them and are drawn to them, let them enjoy them. Trust their power! Who knows if the beads won't lead the people who think they are beautiful to wonder what they mean? Why are they arranged like that? What are the patterns about? Who is the little man on the cross?

I should have thought that Catholics (rather than mere outsider-cousins like me) would have had a bit more faith in the spiritual efficacy of material things. Isn't that what being a catholic is all about?

posted by Tony at 10/23/2004 07:10:00 pm


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