Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I Used To Be Angry ...

... but now I'm really quite mellow.

I've been having a clear-out today, throwing away piles of old papers that have been lying on top of the filing cabinet for the last 4 or 5 years. (Yes, that's how long it's been since the last clear-out, and that was only partial.) Among these were stacks of back-numbers of the Marston Times, which make interesting reading about the kind of issues that interested / concerned me / drove me mad during that time. I used to be quite radical, you know, and much more political than I have been recently.

And also pretty critical of journalists and the news media generally, for their reporting of anything to do with the Church of England. I was particularly angry about the way one retired clergyman was almost in despair at the decline of the Church, which he fully believed in, because he read it in the papers ...

Read what I wrote in Don't Believe Everything You Read.

posted by Tony at 10/19/2004 03:35:00 pm


Blogger Kathryn said...

Ooh...I liked that, Tony...needs saying a little louder as we watch the church determinedly pulling herself apart for the delectation of the media. Thanks for the link...and congratulations on clearing the top of the filing cabinet (lol...that makes it sound like the high jump. but I'm sure you know what I mean :-) )

5:59 pm  

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