Saturday, October 16, 2004

Popular Pages Part Two

Another page of mine that seems to have been getting a lot of hits over the past couple of weeks - though I don't know where from, or who's been linking to it - is What's In Your Computer? This was another piece of Quixotism: an article I wrote for the diocesan newspaper - but they never printed it - about why Christians shouldn't use Microsoft products. Who said the age of starry-eyed, idealistic dreamers was dead?

This is my goal: to convert the Church of England to Linux. And first off, to stop people in Diocesan Church House and elsewhere sending Word or Excel files as if they were some sort of universal standard, instead of the secret, proprietary format that they actually are. For the verdict of a higher authority, see what Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, says on the subject of 'What not to email'.

posted by Tony at 10/16/2004 08:58:00 pm


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