Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Silence of the Journalists

Is it my imagination, or have the media gone rather silent since the Windsor Report came out? Oh yes, there's still the occasional fading little bleat about the Anglican Communion being on the verge of tearing itself apart, but it all sounds strangely stale and reheated like Monday's reappearing of the Sunday joint. (Historical reference: For many years we couldn't afford a big enough piece of meat to produce any leftovers, and by the time we could, half the family had become vegetarians, anyway.)

It could be, of course, that everyone, including the journalists, is carefully reading and appraising it. (Though this seems a tad unlikely.) It could be that it's all so Anglican and balanced that no one can understand what its conclusions actually are, so they're afraid to disagree with it in case it turns out to be saying what they want it to. Or maybe, just maybe, it's actually going to work, and produce a formula for staying within the same family of faith. Perish the thought! Whatever would the journalists have to write about then?

Anglican Communion Not To Split Shock Horror!

That's the interesting, Man Bites Dog headline I'm still praying for.

posted by Tony at 10/20/2004 08:03:00 pm


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