Friday, October 22, 2004

Your Prayers Please

Please can I ask your prayers for tomorrow's 'gig', at the archdeaconry worship event, Celebration Praise? I have been asked to tell the Gospel at the Eucharist (The Road to Emmaus) and I'm also leading a workshop showing people how to do it. Some time for preparation today might be nice, too.

posted by Tony at 10/22/2004 09:18:00 am


Blogger Kathryn said...

Amazing programme....more on offer than at our last diocesan conference, iirc, and that was a 3 day extravaganza :-).
Will certainly say a quick prayer as I head off for our narrow boat holiday...not least that a certain vicar of a very beautiful wool church close to the Oxford/Glos borders is not moved to amend his workshop on preaching to something of a rant in favour of the Akinola approach to Christian harmony.
Hope all goes really well

12:59 pm  

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