Friday, October 22, 2004

Dame Rosemary's Blindness

I probably blogged more than enough about Dame Rosemary; but at any rate you will have got the idea that she was a special person, who was an inspiration to many who knew her. But I've got to add this, possibly the last, to all the other stories, because it made such an impression on me when her niece told us about it at her funeral.

When Rosemary lost her sight over the last couple of years, through macular degeneration, instead of regarding it as the terrible disaster and loss that most people would have done, she approached it as another task to be faced, a challenge and a learning opportunity. She delighted in the new things it gave her the opportunity to discover: the different aids and gadgets that exist to help the blind; and the many new friends she made as a result.

She was an incredible woman.

posted by Tony at 10/22/2004 08:40:00 pm


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