Monday, July 26, 2004


What is it with the weekday lectionary for Morning and Evening Prayer?! I don't know which bright spark(s) in the Liturgical Commission 'fixed' it for Common Worship, but it sure is broken a helluva lot worse than the ASB one ever was. As far as I can see, the theory is that for one of the daily Offices (currently, the Evening one) the OT reading is sometimes linked thematically to the NT, but at other times not. This means - for some not obvious reason - that we replay over and over again the same or similar OT readings that we have only just had in the morning. This week we are on bits of Joshua that we read in the morning last week. Next week we're going to be reading bits of Judges that we will then read in the morning the following week. Is there any rhyme or reason in this that anyone has been able to discern? Or are these people just clowns, who never say the Office themselves and don't actually see what they've done?

posted by Tony at 7/26/2004 04:43:00 pm


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