Sunday, November 14, 2004

Still hasn't quite got it, yet

From today's Observer:
Tony Blair will tomorrow set out a new world vision for tackling poverty and the threat from failing states as he tries to refocus the war on terror on the root causes of conflict.

But just when you start thinking this is really good news at last, you read on:
The Prime Minister's Strategy Unit is drawing up plans for more proactive intervention in countries on the verge of collapse, which risk becoming havens for drugs, crime and terrorism that threaten the West.

No, Tony. The reason for helping places like that is not to save the West from being threatened, but that no one should have to live in that kind of hell. The thing that threatens the West is that for too long we have been content to maintain our privileged lifestyle at the cost of millions living in poverty and oppression, and have propped up the corrupt regimes which enslave those people, and which eventually, inevitably, collapse into anarchy and chaos.


posted by Tony at 11/14/2004 03:12:00 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach it bro!

8:37 am  

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