Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Why? you may ask

Why redesign the look of the blog?

Because I can. Or, more accurately, because I didn't know whether I could or not, and wanted to find out. Because I like the idea of cascading style sheets: they're efficient, they appeal to the lazy man in me. Because I wanted my blog to look different from other people's. Because I wanted a linked style sheet that I would be able to edit and change without having to edit the blogger template and republish the whole blog each time.

It's not quite right yet. I'm not too happy about the colour scheme (or color scheme, as the style sheet terminology insists on calling it.) CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) style is pretty unforgiving: leave out one semi-colon, and it pretends you haven't said whatever it was you were trying to say. But once you get the hang of it, it has an appealing logic. Like canon law, and having to observe its letter.

posted by Tony at 11/09/2004 01:17:00 pm


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