Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Forgotten Plight of West Papua

Statement on West Papua by Benjamin Zephaniah, Poet, Author and Activist
"My heart goes out to the people of West Papua. In times like these when everyone is talking about 'Democracy', and ridding themselves of their colonial masters, I think it is outrageous that the plight of the West Papuans is not seen as a priority by what we now call the 'world community'.

None of the colonial rulers of West Papua have cared about the country; why not give the people a chance to take care of themselves? It seems to me that the people of West Papua are not asking for any more than their most basic human right, that of self-determination.

The very least the United Nations can do is to review the so-called 'Act of Free Choice (1969)'. As for me, I shall continue to show our solidarity with the long suffering people of West Papua. I believe all freedom loving people should do the same, until the day that the great people of West Papua will be proud to take their place amongst the free nations of the planet Earth."

See West Papua Action

posted by Tony at 11/02/2004 07:30:00 pm


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