Sunday, October 31, 2004

God in Ambush

In Surprised by Joy, C.S.Lewis describes the feeling of God 'closing in on him', when all his friends and thinking and reading seemed to be conspiring to bring him to faith in God. In a more trivial vein, I've got a similar feeling today of God lying in ambush for me. After all that stuff I blogged the other day, reflecting on my father and on my fatherhood, what does Ieuan preach about this morning but the Fatherhood of God? I really felt quite emotionally stirred up about it all. It's just as if God is trying to tell me something. But I'm blessed if I can understand what.

It comes at a time of some turmoil anyway, when I would very much like a bit more certainty about where God wants me to be. And all I get is more of the same feeling of being in the mixer.

posted by Tony at 10/31/2004 03:50:00 pm


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