Monday, November 01, 2004

Holy Time

I find the Church very confusing sometimes, in the way it deals with culture. On the one hand, the new Calendar and Lectionary positively encourage us to celebrate some of the major feasts (All Saints, Epiphany etc.) on the nearest Sunday. They know people won't turn out for mid-week major feasts, and they think these should be celebrated, so let's do it when the people are there. This is the most cowardly and timid kind of capitulation to secularism. Whatever happened to the sacramental idea of holy time, and that there are such things as holy days set apart from worldly time, which should be observed just because they are separate?

On the other hand we are busy with the idea that for many people, Sunday church is no longer a realistic possibility or expectation, so let's provide opportunities for meeting and worship on some other day of the week.

Why not somehow combine these contradictory tendencies and have our alternative, non-Sunday, congregations providing the strong core of the midweek meetings? Or is it, perhaps, that the Church is just separating out into sacramentalists (but secularised ones) for whom only holy time is holy, and 'Quakers' or others for whom only any and every other time is holy?

I don't think 'confusing' says the half of it.

posted by Tony at 11/01/2004 07:59:00 pm


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