Monday, November 01, 2004

Halloween for Christians

Karen at Heretic's Corner has an interesting piece about keeping Halloween as a form of community transformation, in which innocent kids get to rule the mean streets for one night of the year.

Over on this side of the great water, Christians are generally highly resistant to Halloween because of all its connotations of paganism, witchcraft and devilry, the way it encourages the young to roam the streets demanding favours with menaces, and (probably worst of all) that it is an American Invention. (Yes, I know it probably came from Ireland originally, but ...) So I was wondering what other Brits thought about Karen's piece? Will we see churches in the UK promoting Halloween as a way of bringing that community renaissance, instead of their present puritanical opposition, and handing out of tracts about why we don't do Trick or Treat? Or will we continue to close all the curtains and sit in the back room and disconnect the doorbell?

posted by Tony at 11/01/2004 07:42:00 pm


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