Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Wisdom of the Lovies

The question for those of us who are ministers, but also often feel as if we are giving greatly of ourselves in performance mode, is how to reconcile the lovie wisdom (that you should never read, let alone take any notice of, your reviews) with the modern epidemic of feedback forms, which presumably you are supposed to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, in the hope of making it even better next time around.

I've just received a copy of the feedback responses from that diocesan readers' conference. It's great to bathe in the warm glow of the ones that read like this:

  • Brilliant! Not only did Tony 'sell' the idea of story telling, but he actually ministered to us as he demonstrated, inspiring many of us - I'm sure - to have a go.

  • Excellent, useful, practical and an excellent demonstration, clear highlight - worth coming just for this.

  • I was really bowled over and became totally involved, like I was almost there listening to Jesus. The Text really came alive.

  • Breathtakingly moving.

But guess which one leaps off the page, and lingers in the mind? This one, naturally:

  • Rather tedious. One interesting central point on the value of memorising scripture, but otherwise a missed opportunity - very biblical or home-produced material.

Ain't human nature a bummer?

posted by Tony at 11/10/2004 03:56:00 pm


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