Saturday, November 13, 2004

Sunrise, Sunset

Going into the dark, and the cold - how I hate it! Today was the first day it has really felt bitter going outside. Hats and gloves weather for me, who feel the cold so much more than the rest of the family, or indeed anyone with their natural thatch still intact.

So it's time to look out the times of sunrise and sunset for the next few months. I don't know whether it does any good. It's a bit like the homesick child at boarding school, or the prisoner on remand, crossing off the days that remain till the day of freedom. Right now it can only get more depressing before it starts to look brighter again.

If you go with the calendar for London, Oxford times are about 5 or 6 minutes later. Or if you prefer a customised calendar, the latitude and longitude for Oxford are 1.25 W, 51.76 N.

I'm off to hibernate, I think.

posted by Tony at 11/13/2004 09:20:00 pm


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