Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Duties of a Clergyman (sic)

At last I've got around - thanks also to a couple of days at the flat for the Bank Holiday - to reading the sixth and last of the major Jane Austens that I've set myself to read this year. It is Pride and Prejudice that I've left till last: the only one I had read before, and most people's favourite, and the story that I know best thanks to the BBC dramatisation with Colin Firth and the beautiful Jennifer Ehle.

There I learn (from the words of the monstrous Mr Collins) what are the chief responsibilities of the Anglican clergyman:

The rector of a parish has much to do. In the first place, he must make such an agreement for tythes as may be beneficial to himself and not offensive to his patron. He must write his own sermons; and the time that remains will not be too much for his parish duties, and the care and improvement of his dwelling, which he cannot be excused from making as comfortable as possible. And I do not think it of light importance that he should have attentive and conciliatory manners towards every body, especially towards those to whom he owes his preferment. I cannot acquit him of that duty; nor could I think well of the man who should omit an occasion of testifying his respect towards any body connected with the family.

Anyone who thinks the Church of England is in a bad way today, should reflect on these words. Yet God saved the Church then by the Evangelical Revival and the Oxford Movement. He can certainly save it today, when the Church is already blessed with clergy and laity who are genuine in their faith and prayers, are not led astray by the pursuit of wealth, not placemen (we should be so lucky) or fawning lackeys of the aristocracy or the Establishment. What we need is more confidence - in ourselves and in God - and a bit more in-your-face assertiveness over against a culture that doesn't know its soul from its sex, and couldn't tell the difference between a living God and an idol. (Clue: the idol will be the one that demands a large input of cash before it delivers the goods.)

posted by Tony at 9/01/2004 05:12:00 pm


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