Friday, August 27, 2004

Never thought I'd live to see the day ...

...when Alison says to me, 'I'm keeping an eye on the clock, 'cause I don't want to miss the boxing.' This from a woman who has always said that boxing is a stupid men's pastime, dangerous, harmful, ought to be banned, etc. But it turns out that we have a 17-year old British boy from Bradford, Amir Khan, in the semi-final of the Olympic boxing, and, 'Well, you've got to support your local boy, haven't you?'

I like to think of my approach to the Olympics being like Odysseus' crew, with their ears stuffed with wax to avoid hearing the sirens' song. But yes, I did watch the bout, and was pleased to see him win a place in the final.

But it doesn't mean I've learned to like the Olympics! I sometimes think I'm the only one still blogging in the midst of the Great Olympic Silence that seems to prevail everywhere else.

posted by Tony at 8/27/2004 06:03:00 pm


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