Tuesday, July 27, 2004

New Laptop

Yes, I'm just like the cat who's got the cream!
Today (day off) Alison and I drove to Milton Keynes to the Shopping Centre - which is not surprisingly now called the centre :mk
Went to John Lewis, where I found one last ibook G4 800Mhz going for £499 and snapped it up. (So there, maggi dawn! New Vaio indeed!) It would have cost an extra £300 to get the 200Mhz more of speed, so I thought I'd try and manage with less, and enjoy the feel-good factor of a Microsoft-free laptop. OK, it's not as whizzy as Tom's new PowerBook. But then, I work for the church of england, while he works for Barclays Capital. Get the picture?

This is my first post using the new toy, rather than my desktop. The Safari browser doesn't do all that Firefox does; let's see how we get on with this.

posted by Tony at 7/27/2004 06:56:00 pm


Blogger Tony said...

Thanks for the support and encouragement, guys. Yes, Daniel, this is the first Mac I've owned or even used, really. Alison used to have one, but because she's 'just a girl' (as far as tech is concerned only, I hasten to add, else my life won't be worth a mayfly's plans for tomorrow) she never really played with it enough to get to know it, and eventually went over to the Dark Side.
The thing about Safari is that it doesn't seem to run all the Blogger refinements. But I'm still getting to know it. Also thinking about putting Firefox on, which I love and use on my Linux box.

8:57 am  

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